Conference call: Customer can apply conferencing service to communication with peoples around the world.
电话会议: 用户可申请开通自己的电话会议室,可接受任意电话呼入加入电话会议,有必要可设置密码.
互联网In a conference call with reporters, BP Senior Vice President Kent Wells explained.
在与记者的电话会议上, BP高级副总裁肯特.维尔斯对这个工程进行了解释.
——期刊摘选He was notably absent from the company's conference call . Mr.
——期刊摘选Workers representing the company's executive officers meet their conference call every Friday.
——期刊摘选I suggest that we would open a conference call from project of a week.
——期刊摘选Toyota will hold a media conference call at 11:00 a.m. Monday.
——期刊摘选S. Treasury's senior coordinator for China affairs, said on a conference call with reporters.
美国财政部中国事务高级官员戴维. 洛文格在一次新闻电话会议中说.
——期刊摘选Mr Reeves says without an agenda a conference call can quickly become rudderless or hijacked.
——期刊摘选I am team member of this and invited to the conference call at night.
——期刊摘选My secretary bring the conference call notes.
——期刊摘选We quickly convened a second conference call, which would include BC counsel and our counsel.
我们迅速召开第二电话会议, 这个会议包括银行客户(BC)的律师和我们的律师.
——期刊摘选Prior to the conference call, we need to gave and internal discussion.
电话会议之前, 我们需要举行内部会议.
——期刊摘选Li Yunchang, Li Baohua this band has two important conference call.
李运昌 、 李葆华曾先后到这一带召过两次重要会议.
——期刊摘选QSX works with any conference call setup, including calls using a conference bridge or a PBX.
QSX支持所有的会议电话设置, 包括可配合会议桥或PBX线路使用.
——期刊摘选PM we were on a conference call with BC's executives to discuss next steps.
——期刊摘选When all participants are connected, the conference call begins.
当所有与会者都连接好时, 会议就开始.
——期刊摘选Speak with an accent ( French , German , Porky Pig , etc. ) during a very important conference call.
在一个很重要的电话会议上,带着口音说话 ( 比如法语, 德语等等 ).
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